Donate Now to SPCA Sandakan
Be it a one-off or monthly donation, your generosity makes a difference in our rescued animals' lives
SPCA Sandakan is a non-profit animal welfare organization, we depend on the support of the public and donations to carry out our work. All donations goes towards the upkeep of the rescued animals, and the operation of our animal shelter, including:
- Animal shelter and animal rescue
- Food, shelter and medical care for rescued animals such as TNR and Inspectorate
- Animal welfare awareness public education
- Veterinarian expenses
- Staff cost, rental, electricity, water and other utilities

Bank Transfer
You can perform one-off or monthly donation via online-banking or bank telegraphic transfer:-
Account Name: Persatuan Mencegah Kezaliman Terhadap Haiwan Sandakan, Sabah
Bank Name: Malayan Bank Berhad
Swift Code: MBBEMYKL
A/c Number: 5101 6111 4780

By Cheque
Write a cheque payable to ‘Persatuan Mencegah Kezaliman Terhadap Haiwan Sandakan, Sabah’. Write your name (as per NRIC) , identification number, email address, contact number and address at the back of the cheque and mail it to: SPCA Sandakan, Lot 18, Block 3, Light Industries Areas, Mile 2.8, 90000 Sandakan, Sabah, Malaysia.

By Hand
We welcome cash donations in person or over the counter at our SPCA premises at Jalan Datuk Tay, 1KM, Mile 8, Jalan Lintas Sibuga, 90000 Sandakan, Sabah. Call us at +6010 227 8911 if you wish to donate outside SPCA premises.

Make donation with ease using PayPal